
First, decide where to put the “a”s. There are 7 positions, and we must choose 3 of them to fill with an “a”. This can be done in \({7 \choose 3}\) ways. The remaining 4 spots all get a different letter, so there are \(4!\) ways to finish off the anagram. This gives a total of \({7 \choose 3}\cdot 4!\) anagrams. Strangely enough, this is 840, which is also equal to \(P(7,4)\text{.}\) To get the answer that way, start by picking one of the 7 positions to be filled by the “n”, one of the remaining 6 positions to be filled by the “g”, one of the remaining 5 positions to be filled by the “r”, one of the remaining 4 positions to be filled by the “m” and then put “a”s in the remaining 3 positions.
