
Another way: consider the question, how many ways can you select \(k\) pizza toppings from a menu containing \(n\) choices? One way to do this is just \({n \choose k}\text{.}\) Another way to answer the same question is to first decide whether or not you want anchovies. If you do want anchovies, you still need to pick \(k-1\) toppings, now from just \(n-1\) choices. That can be done in \({n-1 \choose k-1}\) ways. If you do not want anchovies, then you still need to select \(k\) toppings from \(n-1\) choices (the anchovies are out). You can do that in \({n-1 \choose k}\) ways. Since the choices with anchovies are disjoint from the choices without anchovies, the total choices are \({n-1 \choose k-1}+{n-1 \choose k}\text{.}\) But wait. We answered the same question in two different ways, so the two answers must be the same. Thus \({n \choose k} = {n-1\choose k-1} + {n-1 \choose k}\text{.}\)
