
Let's try to solve this problem. We have 10 spots for letters to go. Four of those need to be A's. We can pick the four A-spots in \({10 \choose 4}\) ways. Now where can we put the B's? Well there are only 6 spots left, we need to pick \(3\) of them. This can be done in \({6 \choose 3}\) ways. The two C's need to go in two of the 3 remaining spots, so we have \({3 \choose 2}\) ways of doing that. That leaves just one spot of the D, but we could write that 1 choice as \({1 \choose 1}\text{.}\) Thus the answer is:

\begin{equation*} {10 \choose 4}{6 \choose 3}{3 \choose 2}{1 \choose 1}\text{.} \end{equation*}