
We need to decide when the statement \((P \imp Q) \vee (Q \imp R)\) is true. Using the definitions of the connectives in Section 0.2, we see that for this to be true, either \(P \imp Q\) must be true or \(Q \imp R\) must be true (or both). Those are true if either \(P\) is false or \(Q\) is true (in the first case) and \(Q\) is false or \(R\) is true (in the second case). So—yeah, it gets kind of messy. Luckily, we can make a chart to keep track of all the possibilities. Enter truth tables. The idea is this: on each row, we list a possible combination of T's and F's (for true and false) for each of the sentential variables, and then mark down whether the statement in question is true or false in that case. We do this for every possible combination of T's and F's. Then we can clearly see in which cases the statement is true or false. For complicated statements, we will first fill in values for each part of the statement, as a way of breaking up our task into smaller, more manageable pieces.
