
The second polyhedron does not have this obstacle. The extra 35 edges contributed by the heptagons give a total of 74/2 = 37 edges. So far so good. Now how many vertices does this supposed polyhedron have? We can use Euler's formula. There are 14 faces, so we have \(v - 37 + 14 = 2\) or equivalently \(v = 25\text{.}\) But now use the vertices to count the edges again. Each vertex must have degree at least three (that is, each vertex joins at least three faces since the interior angle of all the polygons must be less that \(180^\circ\)), so the sum of the degrees of vertices is at least 75. Since the sum of the degrees must be exactly twice the number of edges, this says that there are strictly more than 37 edges. Again, there is no such polyhedron.
