
For an upper bound, we can improve on “the number of vertices” by looking to the degrees of vertices. Let \(\Delta(G)\) be the largest degree of any vertex in the graph \(G\text{.}\) One reasonable guess for an upper bound on the chromatic number is \(\chi(G) \le \Delta(G) + 1\text{.}\) Why is this reasonable? Starting with any vertex, it together with all of its neighbors can always be colored in \(\Delta(G) + 1\) colors, since at most we are talking about \(\Delta(G) + 1\) vertices in this set. Now fan out! At any point, if you consider an already colored vertex, some of its neighbors might be colored, some might not. But no matter what, that vertex and its neighbors could all be colored distinctly, since there are at most \(\Delta(G)\) neighbors, plus the one vertex being considered.
