
  1. You are giving your professor 4 types of cookies coming from 10 different types of cookies. This does not lend itself well to a function interpretation. We could say that the domain contains the 4 types you will give your professor and the codomain contains the 10 you can choose from, but then counting injections would be too much (it doesn't matter if you pick type 3 first and type 2 second, or the other way around, just that you pick those two types).

  2. We want to consider injective functions from the set \(\{\)most, second most, second least, least\(\}\) to the set of 10 cookie types. We want injections because we cannot pick the same type of cookie to give most and least of (for example).

  3. This is not a good problem to interpret as a function. The problem is that the domain would have to be the 12 cookies you bake, but these elements are indistinguishable (there is not a first cookie, second cookie, etc.).

  4. The domain should be the 12 shapes, the codomain the 10 types of cookies. Since we can use the same type for different shapes, we are interested in counting all functions here.

  5. Here we insist that each type of cookie be given at least once, so now we are asking for the number of surjections of those functions counted in the previous part.
