
  1. On the first day, your 2 mini bunnies become 2 large bunnies. On day 2, your two large bunnies produce 4 mini bunnies. On day 3, you have 4 mini bunnies (produced by your 2 large bunnies) plus 6 large bunnies (your original 2 plus the 4 newly matured bunnies). On day 4, you will have \(12\) mini bunnies (2 for each of the 6 large bunnies) plus 10 large bunnies (your previous 6 plus the 4 newly matured). The sequence of total bunnies is \(2, 2, 6, 10, 22, 42\ldots\) starting with \(a_0 = 2\) and \(a_1 = 2\text{.}\)

  2. \(a_n = a_{n-1} + 2a_{n-2}\text{.}\) This is because the number of bunnies is equal to the number of bunnies you had the previous day (both mini and large) plus 2 times the number you had the day before that (since all bunnies you had 2 days ago are now large and producing 2 new bunnies each).

  3. Using the characteristic root technique, we find \(a_n = a2^n + b(-1)^n\text{,}\) and we can find \(a\) and \(b\) to give \(a_n = \frac{4}{3}2^n + \frac{2}{3}(-1)^n\text{.}\)
