
Here we have six events: the first letter, the second letter, the third letter, the first digit, the second digit, and the third digit. The first three events can each happen in 26 ways; the last three can each happen in 10 ways. So the total number of license plates will be \(26\cdot 26\cdot 26 \cdot 10 \cdot 10 \cdot 10\text{,}\) using the multiplicative principle.

Does this make sense? Think about how we would pick a license plate. How many choices we would have? First, we need to pick the first letter. There are 26 choices. Now for each of those, there are 26 choices for the second letter: 26 second letters with first letter A, 26 second letters with first letter B, and so on. We add 26 to itself 26 times. Or quicker: there are \(26 \cdot 26\) choices for the first two letters.

Now for each choice of the first two letters, we have 26 choices for the third letter. That is, 26 third letters for the first two letters AA, 26 choices for the third letter after starting AB, and so on. There are \(26 \cdot 26\) of these \(26\) third letter choices, for a total of \((26\cdot26)\cdot 26\) choices for the first three letters. And for each of these \(26\cdot26\cdot26\) choices of letters, we have a bunch of choices for the remaining digits.

In fact, there are going to be exactly 1000 choices for the numbers. We can see this because there are 1000 three-digit numbers (000 through 999). This is 10 choices for the first digit, 10 for the second, and 10 for the third. The multiplicative principle says we multiply: \(10\cdot 10 \cdot 10 = 1000\text{.}\)

All together, there were \(26^3\) choices for the three letters, and \(10^3\) choices for the numbers, so we have a total of \(26^3 \cdot 10^3\) choices of license plates.
