
By now you should agree that the answer to the first question is \(9 \cdot 5 = 45\) and the answer to the second question is \(9 + 5 = 14\text{.}\) These are the multiplicative and additive principles. There are two events: picking a shirt and picking a pair of pants. The first event can happen in 9 ways and the second event can happen in 5 ways. To get both a shirt and a pair of pants, you multiply. To get just one article of clothing, you add.

Now look at this using sets. There are two sets, call them \(S\) and \(P\text{.}\) The set \(S\) contains all 9 shirts so \(|S| = 9\) while \(|P| = 5\text{,}\) since there are 5 elements in the set \(P\) (namely your 5 pairs of pants). What are we asking in terms of these sets? Well in question 2, we really want \(|S \cup P|\text{,}\) the number of elements in the union of shirts and pants. This is just \(|S| + |P|\) (since there is no overlap; \(|S \cap P| = 0\)). Question 1 is slightly more complicated. Your first guess might be to find \(|S \cap P|\text{,}\) but this is not right (there is nothing in the intersection). We are not asking for how many clothing items are both a shirt and a pair of pants. Instead, we want one of each. We could think of this as asking how many pairs \((x,y)\) there are, where \(x\) is a shirt and \(y\) is a pair of pants. As we will soon verify, this number is \(|S| \cdot |P|\text{.}\)
