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Worksheet Preview Activity

For each graph below:
  • Find a proper vertex coloring using some number of colors. That is, color vertices using any number of colors but in such a way that no pair of adjacent vertices have the same color.
  • Find the fewest number of colors you need to properly color the vertices of the graph. This is called the chromatic number of the graph. Think about how you know your answer is correct.
  • Can you generalize? Can you conclude anything about the chromatic number for particular sorts of graphs?
A copy of the complete graph on 6 vertices to be colored
\(\chi(G) =\)
a bipartite graph with 5 vertices on the left each connected to each of 3 vertices on the right
\(\chi(G) =\)
A cycle of 8 vertices to be colored
\(\chi(G) =\)
A cycle of 7 vertices to be colored
\(\chi(G) =\)
a tree consisting of 13 vertices, 6 of which are leaves.  4 vertices have degree 2, 2 vertices have degree 3, and the last vertex has degree 4.
\(\chi(G) =\)
A graph with 13 vertices and 28 edges.  No edges cross.
\(\chi(G) =\)